Museum Publication: Walloomsack Review, 'Volume 22'
Volume 22 Autumn 2018
Included Articles
Editors' Notes
John Wallace's Journal of the Battle of Bennington August 16, 1777
Michael P. Grabriel
Perry Merrill, Vermont's Forester Extraordinary
Anthony Marro
Tar and Terror in Tampa: The Murder of Joseph Shoemaker
Jennifer Shaksbober
Vermont Funding of Public Education Begins with the Constitution
Allen Gilbert
Book Reviews
Saga of a Bennington: And No Birds Sing
by Pauline Leader
Reviewed by Jamie Franklin
When Congregationalists Fractured into Houses Divided
by Douglas L. Winiarski
Reviewed by Lee Williams
Red Scare in the Green Mountains
by Rick Winston
Reviewed by Tyler Resch
The Vermont Story: Revised
by Christopher McGrory Kylza and Stephen C Trombulak
Reviewed by J. F. Kennedy
Published by
The Bennington Museum, Inc
Bennington, Vermont